Overlook Lane
Princetown, NY

Where Are the Dogs??
ALMOST in the right places

Where they WANT to be

Guarding the stairs

Two Labs in one bed

What's Up down there?

Alternative sleeping arrangements

Pixel's new best friend

Always willing to share his bed

After slight disagreement with porcupine

Koda & Zoe check out blue dyed pond

Water sports

The eternal quest for fish

"Fight, dammit!!"

"The Molehill"

We needed a permission letter from the DEC to get this delivered

Chaos checks out new water flavor

"I'd like one truckload of mason's sand and ten bones, please."
My favorite

Pixel adopts an extremely stable position


Pixel's patience

Stella (aka "Popeye")

Back when dogs were allowed on furniture

Instead of just UNDER it

How cute is that

Just as cute

More Random Stuff